The role of entrepreneurship education on youth employment in Yobe state, Nigeria


  • Hassan Yerima Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sa’adu Zungur University, Bauchi State, Nigeria.
  • Umar Farouk Musa Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sa’adu Zungur University, Bauchi State, Nigeria.
  • Mohammed Nuru Umar Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sa’adu Zungur University, Bauchi State, Nigeria.


Entrepreneurship Education, Panacea, Yobe state, Youth Empowerment


Entrepreneurship education has been designed in the contemporary era to empower the youth to acquire vocational education for self-employed and minimize social vices, especially in developing economies and Nigeria inclusive. Literature exposed that armed robbery, Boko Harm insurgency, banditry, kidnappings, farmers and harder crises and agitation for resource control were propelled by these unemployed youth who were characterized to be jobless, poor and again the uncertain nature of the environment they found themselves pushed them to frustration and societal evils. Similarly, the inability of the government to develop entrepreneurship skills development centers forced them to be unable to embrace the spirit of creativity and discipline. Based on these predicaments, a qualitative secondary data was collected mainly from previous studies and explored the problem addressed by this article specifically in Yobe state. In achieving these objectives, Social Influence theory was applied and uncover the phenomenon under study. Consequently, findings revealed that entrepreneurship education faces infrastructural and manpower defies in facilitated capacity building mainly on basic knowledge and skills for self-confidence through small-scale businesses and the syndrome of social evils predominantly devoid of poverty and insecurity in the study area. Similarly, in an attempt to solve the challenges identified, the following suggestions were proposed firstly, the government should increase budgetary allocation to appropriate enough funding for the development of entrepreneurship education centres in all the local governments in the state. Additionally, the teaching of entrepreneurship education at all levels of education should be compulsory from primary to tertiary among others to strengthen the youngsters in the state with the spirit of self-reliance and confidence in building a prospective nation.




How to Cite

Yerima, H. ., Musa, U. F. ., & Umar, M. N. . (2024). The role of entrepreneurship education on youth employment in Yobe state, Nigeria. International Journal of Intellectual Discourse, 7(2), 99–112. Retrieved from


