Comparative effect of age diversity on employee performance among public and private tertiary institutions in Ekiti State - Nigeria
Age diversity, employee performance, diversity managementAbstract
This paper investigated comparative effect of age diversity on employee performance in public and private tertiary institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Precisely, this study examined the influence of age diversity on employee performance towards the institution’s objectives and goals. The study was conducted among four public and five private tertiary institutions in Ekiti
State Nigeria. The population of the study was 9,351 teaching and non-teaching staff of the selected institutions. The sample size used for the study was 349 academic and 377 nonacademic staff. The data collected were analysed using table, percentage and ANOVA, t-test and multiple regressions. The results of the tests of hypotheses revealed that: Age has positive and significant effect on employee performance in public institutions (t-value 20.975 is significant at 5% level of significance). The study discovered that age diversity enhances employee performance in public institution better than the private institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The verdicts found by the study, deduced that age diversity significantly contributed to employee performance in public and private institution but greater significance value was found in public than private institutions. This research suggested that management must encourage the same employment for all without giving one preference over the other.