Diversity and performance of business organisations of selected Deposit Money Banks in Abuja
Cultural diversity, Deposit Money Banks, Gender diversity, Organizational performanceAbstract
This study evaluated the impact of workforce diversity on organizational performance of deposit money banks in Abuja. The study made use of a cross-sectional survey in which investigation was approached from a quantitative methodological position. The study population was 600 from the eight (8) selected banks Out of this target population of 600 respondents, a sample size of 240 respondents was derived using Taro Yamane formula. In selecting the respondents, a simple random sampling technique was used which gave the subjects in the population the same chance of being selected as any other subject. The study elicited data from respondents of the various selected banks with the aid of structured questionnaire instrument. Hypotheses were tested using Multiple Regression with the aid of SPSS. Findings from the analysis indicated that gender diversity which is the first variable has a positive effect on the banks’ performance. Similarly, cultural diversity, which is the second variable, has a positive effect on banks’ performance, age generational gap diversity which is the third variable has positive effect on banks’ performance, and also employee's political influence diversity which is the last variable has a positive effect on banks’ performance. From the findings, the researchers recommend, among others, that deposit money banks should formulate policies and programmes that promotes gender equality in the work environment rather than an unequal work environment. They should ensure that the work environment is devoid of discrimination of any kind in order for everyone to feel being carried along; and also deposit money banks should seek the contribution of every employee with or without political influence to ensure that the goals of the business organization are attained as desired.