Online learning environment as a solution for smooth academic activities during pandemics in Nigeria
Covid-19, Education, Online learning, Pandemic, ICT, NigeriaAbstract
The unprecedented COVID-19 out-break has instituted reforms and what could possibly be a paradigm shift in the educational sector globally. This is because of the early precautionary steps taken to contain the spread of the COVID-19 in most countries (if not all) which includes lockdown and temporary closure of schools. Thus, prompting the urgency for an alternative approach to cope with the effect on the educational system. Lucidly, the pandemic has revealed emerging vulnerabilities in education system to which society needs to work towards putting in place flexible and resilient education systems due to unprecedented events. The effect and gap is much wide in developing countries like Nigeria which has poor and inadequate online facilities especially in the public institutions instigated by inadequate access to devices, lack of constant power supply, and high cost of reliable internet. Consequentially, little could learn with an impromptu strategy or plan. In the light of the above, the current study adopts an
exploratory method in order to appraise the effect of pandemic outbreak on academic activities, though it becomes relatively early to conclude on the long run effect of the pandemic on the education sector. The study also reviewed the strategies adopted by most advanced countries and lastly outlined the lessons to be learnt by Nigeria. Amongst the conspicuous one is the integration of information technology in the education system and transition to digital platforms for learning (online/e-learning).