The socio-economic predicament of caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children with HIV/AIDS in Bauchi metropolis, Nigeria


  • Sulaiman Ahmed Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sa’adu Zungur University, Bauchi State, Nigeria.


Caregivers, Discrimination, Death, HIV/AIDS, Orphans, Vulnerable Children


This study explores the range of challenges caregivers encounter while assisting vulnerable children with HIV/AIDS. Caregivers tend to come across issues related to socioeconomic factors due to the stigmatization of HIV/AIDS children. The main aim of this study is to highlight caregivers' major challenges in the Bauchi metropolis. Specifically, the objectives were set to identify practical issues affecting the role of caregivers and their capacity as significant to those children's lives. In sub-Saharan `Africa, Nigeria accounts for an estimated 1.9 million cases of these children. For the majority of caregivers, however, despite collective efforts by, families, and communities aimed towards protecting, caring for, and supporting infected affected children, the scourge of child death with HIV/AIDS has remained high. Reports indicate that more needs to be done to support caregivers for them to look after those children. Therefore, this study focuses on caregivers' predicament while helping HIV and AIDS vulnerable orphaned children in Bauchi Metropolis. The study highlights the challenges caregivers experience as a result of their socio-economic reinforced by cultural and religious influence among others, in making children living with HIV and AIDS cope with the epidemic. The purpose of the study was to understand the position of caregivers' characteristics and situations the impact caused by their socio-economic stand, and religion's impact on the care of children with HIV and AIDS in Bauchi Metropolitan. The study was guided by two theories, the Stigmatization theory by Goffman, and the Structuration theory by Giddens. The sequential transformative approach of quantitative and qualitative methods (mixed method) was used in this study through a descriptive cross-sectional survey. SPSS was used to analyze the quantitative data using descriptive statistics such as means, frequency, and percentages, while NVivo software was used to analyze qualitative data synthesis and prose thematically. Bauchi metropolis has about 218 caregivers of children orphaned & vulnerable to HIV and AIDS. Data collection questionnaires and interview guides were used. Key informant interviews were conducted with government agencies and NGOs.




How to Cite

Ahmed, S. (2024). The socio-economic predicament of caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children with HIV/AIDS in Bauchi metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Intellectual Discourse, 7(4). Retrieved from


