Organisational socialisation and employee performance: The mediating role of job satisfaction among staff school teachers of Sa’adatu Rimi College of Education Kumbotso, Kano State, Nigeria


  • Nura Abubakar Department of Business Administration and Management, Kano State Polytechnic, Nigeria
  • Ahmed Audu Maiyaki Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
  • Mukhtar Shehu Aliyu Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria


Employee Performance, Organisational Socialisation, Teachers, Job Satisfaction


This study is a response to the observed paucity of studies on the interaction among employee performance (EP) and its determinants such as organizational socialization (OS) and job satisfaction (JS), especially in relation to teachers. The study utilized PLS-SEM 3.0 for assessing both measurement and structural models after using SPSS V.23 for data cleaning. Besides excluding two grossly incomplete questionnaires, and using Serial Mean method to replace a missing value, two more univariate outliers were removed for having a Z-score outside the range of ±3.29, while no multivariate outlier was detected using the Mahalanobis distance criteria. Analyzing the retained 43 responses from a population of 62 Teachers, positive significant effects of OS on JS and JS on EP and positive but insignificant direct effect of OS on EP were found. Also found is that JS mediates the relationship between OS and EP – as per the discussed analytical developments. Thus, this study recommends that organisations should facilitate OS and equally do all it takes to promote JS so as to benefit from their potentials of enhancing EP.




How to Cite

Abubakar, N., Maiyaki, A. A., & Aliyu, M. S. . (2023). Organisational socialisation and employee performance: The mediating role of job satisfaction among staff school teachers of Sa’adatu Rimi College of Education Kumbotso, Kano State, Nigeria. International Journal of Intellectual Discourse, 6(4), 201–210. Retrieved from


