Propose model of consumers’ motivation and online purchase intention of fashion product: Moderating role of social media marketing
Consumer motivation, online purchase intention, social media marketing, trustAbstract
This study attempts to investigate the effect of consumer motivation on online purchase intentions as mediated by consumers’ trust toward online fashion in the Nigerian context. The study proposes an effective framework that encompasses various possible drivers that will lead to online purchase intention. The research identified several drivers that were based on the previous investigation of online purchase intention and related theories. These include user motivational drivers (uses and gratifications theory) and online environment drivers (Social capital theory). Thus, the study extent to evaluate motivational drivers that include information, socialization, remuneration, homophily and social tie to online purchase intention toward social media. The suggested framework for motivational drivers will function as a comprehensive model for consumer behaviour based on consumers’ motivations. In addition, the study will help online brands to attract more customers by providing motivation such as
information, remuneration, and socialization.