Predictors of agripreneurial career exploration among undergraduate agricultural students of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi Nigeria
Agripreneur, career exploration, undergraduates, intentionAbstract
Institutions are under growing demand to supply marketable students. In this direction, a study was conducted to determine the factors that affect the career choices of undergraduate agriculture students at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University in Bauchi. A sample of 100 students was chosen through random sampling and surveyed using a structured questionnaire. Data analysis included simple linear regression and descriptive statistics. Results showed that multiple factors influence students' career choices, with agricultural marketing being the most popular choice. There was a significant relationship between students' course of study and their intention to become agricultural entrepreneurs. Working experience and previous academic performance were found to be predictors of students' intention to start agribusinesses. The main obstacles to students achieving their goals as agricultural entrepreneurs were accessing loans and high interest rates. Recommendations included providing soft loans with lower interest rates to students who have received entrepreneurial training and expanding the study to include other universities in the state.