Influence of teaching methods on students’ academic performance in Statistics for Political Science course in Bauchi State University
Discussion, Lecture method, Students' performance, Teaching methodsAbstract
This study examined the influence of teaching methods on students’ academic performance in statistics for political science at Bauchi State University, Gadau. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population of the study comprise 500 students’ in the department of Political Science. 217 respondents were selected using a simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used for data collection in this study was a questionnaire designed. The internal consistency of the reliability test of 0.73 was acceptable. The hypotheses were subjected to inferential statistics while Chi-square was tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings of this study confirmed that the questions and answers method of teaching significantly affects students’ academic performance in statistics for political science. Hence, the study concluded that questions and answers, as well as discussion methods, improved students’ academic performance in the statistic for political science. Therefore, the study recommends that statistic lecturers should use two or more methods of teaching at a point to improve the students’ academic performance.