An assessment of the role of executive and the legislature in the management of covid-19 in Nigeria
COVID 19, Democracy, Executive, Governance, LegislatureAbstract
The values of democracy which are relatively fair and the capacity to be tyrannical in the face ofthe minority. Virtually absolute authority in the hands of the higher number under a democracy, a groups worth is based on the result of political and economic competition. The democratic system of governance is based on representing as many interests are found in society. The act art
of sidelining or mainstreaming representatives makes or mar societies the fight against COVID-19 requires cooperation of both legislature and the executive. The research used both primary and secondary sources, the data were analyze using the qualitative method of analysis. The Marxist theory was adopted. Karl Marx made tremendous contribution to the theory of democracy. The researcher content that legislature and the executive should cooperate and increase budgetary allocation to health sectors and improve the welfare and insurance of medical personnel who are in the front-line duties.